
xt:Commerce is an online shop software with integrated management of goods and many extension possibilities.

Offer listing

For the transmission of your offers there is a third party plugin available for a fee.

To the billiger.de export plugin for xt:Commerce

We are happy to refund the cost of the plugin via an individual click credit. Please contact us for an offer.

Integration of conversion tracking

Instructions for the integration of conversion tracking

Integration of landingpage tracking:

1. Edit the file "ROOT/templates/xt_responsive/xtCore/pages/product/product.html" (where xt_responsive is the currently used theme)
2. Copy this code snippet into it:

if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "soluteclid")>0){
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'){
$landing = 'https://';
} else {
$landing = 'http://';
$_SESSION['soluteclid'] = time()." ".$landing;
$url = "https://cmodul.solutenetwork.com/landing";
$url .= "?url=".urlencode($landing);
$curlCon = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curlCon, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curlCon, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

Integration of conversion tracking:

1. Edit the file "ROOT/templates/xt_responsive/xtCore/pages/chekout/subpage_success.html" (where xt_responsive is the currently used theme)
2. Copy this code snippet in at the end:

{if isset($smarty.session.soluteclid)}
{assign val $success_order->order_total.product_total_otax.plain}
{assign oid $success_order->order_data.orders_id}
{assign ttl 60*60*24*30}
{assign var="soluteclid" value=' '|explode:$smarty.session.soluteclid}
{assign landingUrl $soluteclid[1]|escape:"url"}
{if $soluteclid[0]+$ttl > $smarty.now}
{assign url "https://cmodul.solutenetwork.com/conversion?val=$val&oid=$oid&url=$landingUrl&ctsystem=xtCommerce_6"}
{fetch file="$url" assign="solute"}

Attention: Conversion tracking does not work without landingpage tracking.

Got any questions? Please contact us!

Our Technical Shop Support will be happy to help you.

Tel: +49 721-98993-60
(For direct dialling, select "1" in the voice menu and then "2".)
