***Disclaimer*** solute GmbH does not assume any warranty for the programs installed on your computer, nor for their protective devices (virus scanner or firewall). The customer is solely responsible for his own data security. solute GmbH accepts no liability for faults not caused by it, even if they are close to the support provided. ***By installing the plugin software you agree to the solute GmbH disclaimer.*** ***PLEASE COPY THE FOLLOWING TEMPLATES (FROM THE FIRST "{" TO THE LAST "}" CURLY BRACKETS INTO THE CORRESPONDING TABS OF THE EXPORT MODULE*** #Headline: aid|{#- -#} brand|{#- -#} mpnr|{#- -#} ean|{#- -#} name|{#- -#} desc|{#- -#} shop_cat|{#- -#} price|{#- -#} ppu|{#- -#} link|{#- -#} image|{#- -#} dlv_time|{#- -#} dlv_cost|{#- -#} pzn|{#- -#} unit_pricing_measure_value|{#- -#} unit_pricing_measure_unit|{#- -#} unit_pricing_base_measure_value|{#- -#} unit_pricing_base_measure_unit|{#- -#} target_url|{#- -#} images{#- -#} #Template: "{{ product.productNumber }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.manufacturer.translated.name }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.manufacturerNumber }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.ean }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.translated.name|length > 80 ? product.translated.name|slice(0, 80) ~ '...' : product.translated.name }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.translated.description|raw|length > 900 ? product.translated.description|raw|slice(0,900) ~ '...' : product.translated.description|raw }}{#- -#} "|{#- -#} "{{ product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)|join(' > ')|raw }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.calculatedListingPrice.from.unitPrice }}"|{#- -#} {% set price = product.calculatedListingPrice.from %} "{%- if price.referencePrice is not null -%} {{ price.referencePrice.price|currency }} / {{ price.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ price.referencePrice.unitName }}{#- -#} {%- endif -%}"|{#- -#} "{{ seoUrl('frontend.detail.page', {'productId': product.id}) }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.cover.media.url }}"|{#- -#} "{%- if product.availableStock >= product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime -%} {{ "detail.deliveryTimeAvailable"|trans({'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')}) }}{#- -#} {%- elseif product.availableStock < product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime and product.restockTime -%} {{ "detail.deliveryTimeRestock"|trans({'%count%': product.restockTime,'%restockTime%': product.restockTime,'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')}) }}{#- -#} {%- elseif product.availableStock >= product.minPurchase -%} Auf Lager {%- else -%} {{ "detail.soldOut"|trans }}{#- -#} {%- endif -%}"|{#- -#} "4.95"|{# change your default delivery costs #}{#- -#} |{#- -#} {% if product.purchaseUnit and product.referenceUnit and product.unit %} "{{ product.purchaseUnit }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.unit.shortCode }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.referenceUnit }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.unit.shortCode }}"|{#- -#} {%- else -%} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} {%- endif -%} "{{ seoUrl('frontend.detail.page', {'productId': product.id}) }}"|{#- -#} {%- if product.media|length > 1 -%} "{%- for mediaAssociation in product.media|slice(0, 5) -%} {{ mediaAssociation.media.url }} {%- if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}" {%- endif -%}{#- -#}