***Haftungsausschluss*** Die solute GmbH übernimmt keine Gewährleistung für die auf Ihrem Computer installierten Programme, sowie deren Schutzeinrichtungen (Virenscanner oder Firewall). Der Kunde ist ausschließlich selbst für seine Datensicherheit verantwortlich. Die solute GmbH übernimmt keine Haftung für von ihr nicht verursachte Störungen, auch wenn sie in zeitliche Nähe zum geleisteten Support stehen. ***Mit dem installieren der Plugin-Software erkennen Sie den Haftungsausschluss der solute GmbH an.*** ***BITTE KOPIEREN SIE UNTENSTHENDE VORLAGEN IN DIE ENTSPRECHENDEN REITER DES EXPORTMODULS*** #Kopfzeile: aid|{#- -#} brand|{#- -#} mpnr|{#- -#} ean|{#- -#} name|{#- -#} desc|{#- -#} shop_cat|{#- -#} price|{#- -#} old_price|{#- -#} ppu|{#- -#} link|{#- -#} image|{#- -#} dlv_time|{#- -#} dlv_cost|{#- -#} unit_pricing_measure_value|{#- -#} unit_pricing_measure_unit|{#- -#} unit_pricing_base_measure_value|{#- -#} unit_pricing_base_measure_unit|{#- -#} images|{#- -#} eigenschaften|{#- -#} optionen{# #} #Produktzeile: {% autoescape false %}"{{ product.productNumber }}"|{#- -#} "{% if product.manufacturer.translated.name is defined and product.manufacturer.translated.name is not null %}{{ product.manufacturer.translated.name }}{% endif %}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.manufacturerNumber }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.ean }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.translated.name|length > 80 ? product.translated.name|slice(0, 80) ~ '...' : product.translated.name }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.translated.description|length|striptags|replace({'\r': " ",'\n': " ",' ':" "}) > 900 ? product.translated.description|striptags|replace({'\r': " ",'\n': " ",' ':" "})|slice(0,900) ~ '...' : product.translated.description|striptags|replace({'\r': " ",'\n': " ",' ':" "}) }}"|{#- -#} "{% if product.categories.first %}{{ product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)|join(' > ')|raw }}{% endif %}"|{#- -#} {% set price = product.calculatedPrice %}{% if product.calculatedPrices.count > 0 %}{% set price = product.calculatedPrices.first %}{% endif %}"{{ price.unitPrice }}"|{#- -#} "{% if price.listPrice and price.unitPrice < price.listPrice.price %}{{ price.listPrice.price }}{% endif %}"|{#- -#} {% set oprice = product.calculatedPrice %} "{%- if oprice.referencePrice is not null -%} {{ oprice.referencePrice.price|currency }} / {{ oprice.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ oprice.referencePrice.unitName }} {%- endif -%}"|{#- -#} "{{ seoUrl('frontend.detail.page', {'productId': product.id}) }}"|{#- -#} "{% if product.cover.media.url is defined and product.cover.media.url is not null %}{{ product.cover.media.url }}{% endif %}"|{#- -#} "{%- if product.availableStock >= product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime -%} {{ "detail.deliveryTimeAvailable"|trans({'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')}) }} {%- elseif product.availableStock < product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime and product.restockTime -%} {{ "detail.deliveryTimeRestock"|trans({'%count%': product.restockTime,'%restockTime%': product.restockTime,'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')}) }} {%- elseif product.availableStock >= product.minPurchase -%} Auf Lager {%- else -%} {{ "detail.soldOut"|trans }}{#- -#} {%- endif -%}"|{#- -#} "3.00"|{# change your default delivery costs #}{#- -#} {% if product.purchaseUnit and product.referenceUnit and product.unit %} "{{ product.purchaseUnit }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.unit.shortCode }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.referenceUnit }}"|{#- -#} "{{ product.unit.shortCode }}"|{#- -#} {%- else -%} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} |{#- -#} {%- endif -%} {%- if product.media|length > 1 -%} "{%- for mediaAssociation in product.media|slice(0, 5) -%} {{ mediaAssociation.media.url }} {%- if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}" {%- endif -%}|{#- -#} {% set items = {} %}{% if product.properties|length > 0 %}?{% set done = '' %}{% for properties in product.properties %}{% set items = items|merge({ (properties.group._uniqueIdentifier) : properties.group.name }) %}{% if properties.group.name in done %}{% else %}&{{ properties.group.name }}={% for props in product.properties %}{% if props.group.name == properties.group.name %}{{ props.name|url_encode }},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% set done = done~','~properties.group.name %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}|{#- -#} {% if product.options|length > 0 %}?{% for option in product.options %}{% set key = option.groupid %}{% if key in items|keys %}&{{ items[key] }}={{option.name|url_encode}}{% else %}&{{option.groupid|url_encode}}={{option.name|url_encode}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{#- -#}{% endautoescape %}