1.   Actuality of price information in price search engines

According to the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH), your offers on price comparison portals must always be marked with correct prices. Price increases must be displayed in the price comparison portal immediately when they become valid. The BGH regarded it as unfair competition that a price was increased but the price comparison portal still showed the old, lower price for a transitional period of approx. 3 hours.

Here you will find the link to the press release of the Federal Court of Justice:


We have developed a 3-point plan for extensive BGH security for you to ensure, according to our current state of knowledge, that your advertising measures via billiger.de are in line with the regulations of competition:

Point 1

By clicking on the link in the partner area it is possible to manually inform our system that an updated offer data file has been made available by you. Thus our system will immediately retrieve your updated offer data file and - as explained in point 2 - process it, i.e. first update the prices. Please note that by clicking on the link all your offers on billiger.de will be temporarily offline as long as the prices are updating. 

Point 2

Basically, by clicking on the link described in Point 1, our system immediately checks every two hours whether changes have been made by you in your offer data file. This is done automatically. Up to now the processing of these changes took up to one hour from the time the click has been made. With the new solution, we now give priority to the updates of the prices, the basic prices, shipping costs and deep links of offers that are already listed on billiger.de and also primarily delete offers that are already listed on our portal. In this way we guarantee that the update of your prices is usually carried out in less than 30 minutes. The further processing of your offer data file, such as adding new offers, will not take place until the above-mentioned updates have been carried out.

Point 3

Furthermore, we ask you to integrate the sales price valid at the time of your export into the deep links provided to us. If a customer of billiger.de is referred to your shop at a time when the current price of the offer in your shop system is higher than the price integrated in the deep link (and thus published on billiger.de), you should redirect this customer to an error page. This error page should contain a text that reads as follows: "Offer no longer exists". If possible, we recommend that you implement price increases at times of day when the number of users at your shop is low (e.g. at 4:00 a.m. at night) to reduce the number of "error links" to an absolute minimum. Please note that this measure may have an effect on the purchase rate.

The function mentioned in point 1 can be carried out manually directly from your partner area.

Register now in the Partner space

If your shop system has the function to integrate scripts, here you will find instructions on how to integrate scripts into your shop system to carry out this link call automatically.

By introducing the above-mentioned 3-point plan, you can (according to current knowledge) achieve a high degree of security with regard to the BGH judgement.

These recommendations on our part are not legal advice and are not intended to replace such advice, they only represent possible - from our point of view sufficient - solution proposals.

2.   Display of telephone costs for (0)180 numbers

Die Bundesnetzagentur informierte über neue gesetzliche Regelungen seit dem 01.03.2010 für (0)180-Rufnummern: Insbesondere wurden für die Preise der Anrufe auf (0)180er Rufnummern Obergrenzen eingeführt. Die bisherigen Preise für Anrufe aus dem Festnetz bleiben unverändert; für Anrufe aus dem Mobilfunknetz gilt nun eine Obergrenze von maximal 42 Cent pro Minute.

Ferner besteht seit dem 01.03.2010 die Verpflichtung, bei jeder Angabe einer (0)180er Rufnummer den Höchstpreis für Anrufe aus dem Festnetz und dem Mobilfunknetz anzugeben. Der bloße Hinweis auf eventuell abweichende Mobilfunkpreise reicht nicht mehr aus.

Die genauen Preise für Anrufe auf (0)180er Rufnummern finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

Weitere Informationen sowie Formulierungsvorschläge für gesetzeskonforme Preisangaben finden Sie auf den Seiten der Bundesnetzagentur. https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/

3.  Anzeige von Versandkosten auf Preisvergleichsportalen

In its ruling of 16.07.2009, the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) decided that shipping costs must be included in advertising on price comparison portals. The Federal Supreme Court did not consider it sufficient that the user is forwarded to the online shop by clicking on the offers and that only on the shops site the shipping costs are displayed.

Here you can find the link to the judgement of of the Federal Court of Justice on the 16.07.2009.

Due to this decision we recommend that you add the shipping costs to your offers in your offer data file.

You can see and download the technical requirements for the shop integration on billiger.de as well as a "sample file" directly under the following link:

Support for Shops

4.   Display of the basic price

According to § 2 of the Price Indication Regulation, there is an obligation to indicate the basic price in addition to the final price of a product. The basic price is the price per unit of quantity. For example, for perfume the price per 100 ml must be indicated.

In its judgement of 26 February 2009, the Federal Court of Justice stated that the basic price must be indicated in direct connection with the final price, so that the customer can actually see both prices at a glance.

If you have articles in your range of products that require a basic price, we would strongly advise you to provide this in your offer data file. This is necessary to display your offers with the legally required basic price on billiger.de.

If the basic price is not indicated correctly, the person to whom the advertisement is to be assigned, i.e. you as our shop partner, is liable first.

For more information on integrating the basic price in your offer data file, see the Guideline Shop Integration