With a steadily growing number of customers and numerous service partners, JTL is one of the most popular providers of e-commerce software in the German-speaking world. The complete package of professional merchandise management + warehouse management as well as the JTL shop, which is tailored to Wawi, offers mail order companies comprehensive possibilities for successful trading on the internet.
a. It is best to use our plugin to transmit the offers directly to us via API. To transfer the offers, you need the following information, which you can request from our technical support for your shop:
b. You enter this information in the plugin under "Settings". If you only want to transmit certain articles to solute, you can do this with the help of a function attribute. You can create a function attribute in your merchandise management system (e.g. "solute") and assign it to specific articles. You then also store the name of the function attribute in the plugin settings.
c. You can then send us either "Include all articles", "Include articles with function attribute" or "Include articles without function attribute" under "API export". If you have entered a function attribute in the previous step, you can click on the corresponding button to send us all articles with this attribute or only the articles without the attribute.
d. Alternatively, you can use the JTL export function:
JTL offers a customisable export function for transferring your offers.
To the JTL documentation on setting up product exports
Automation takes place via the "task planner":
To the JTL task planner guide
For an optimised data feed, use the template for the feed configuration. You only need to copy and save the header or the template in the respective tab of the configuration.
solute GmbH does not assume any warranty for the programs installed on your computer, as well as their protective devices (virus scanner or firewall).
The customer is solely responsible for his own data security.
solute GmbH accepts no liability for faults not caused by it, even if they are close in time to the support provided.
***By installing the plugin software you accept the liability disclaimer of solute GmbH.***
"{$Artikel->cArtNr|replace:' ':''}"|
"{if $Artikel->Versandkosten && $Artikel->Versandkosten >=0 }{$Artikel->Versandkosten}{else}0{/if}"|
"{assign var=dlv_time value="2-3 Tage"}
{if $Artikel->cLieferstatus == 'Y'}{assign var=dlv_time value=$Artikel->cLieferstatus}{/if}{$dlv_time}"|
{* Verfügbarkeit *}
"{assign var=availability value="Nicht auf Lager"}
{if $Artikel->cLagerBeachten == 'N' || $Artikel->fLagerbestand > 0}{assign var=availability value="auf Lager"}{/if}
{* Lagerbestand *}
"{assign var=stock value=""}
{if $Artikel->cLagerBeachten == 'Y' && $Artikel->fLagerbestand > 0}{assign var=stock value=$Artikel->fLagerbestand}{/if}{$stock}"|
{if $Artikel->fMassMenge != '' && $Artikel->cMasseinheitName != '' && $Artikel->fGrundpreisMenge != '' && $Artikel->cGrundpreisEinheitName != ''}
{* Bilder *}
"{foreach name=article_images from=$Artikel->Bilder item=oBild}
{if !$smarty.foreach.article_images.first},{/if}
"{if $Artikel->fUVP && $Artikel->fUVP > $Artikel->Preise->fVKBrutto}{$Artikel->fUVP}{/if}"|
{* Zusatzattribute (Varianten von Kindartikeln) *}
"{if $Artikel->oVariationenNurKind_arr}?
{foreach name=variants from=$Artikel->oVariationenNurKind_arr item=variant}
{if $variant->Werte}
{if !$smarty.foreach.variants.first}&{/if}
{foreach name=variants from=$variant->Werte item=variantvalues}
You can use the appropriate free plugin to integrate conversion tracking:
JTL 5: https://www.jtl-software.de/extension-store/billigerde-solutenet-conversion-tracking-jtl-shop-5
Our Technical Shop Support will be happy to help you.
Tel: +49 721-98993-60
(For direct dialling, select "1" in the voice menu and then "2".)